Adventure Trekkers is an adventure tour company that hosts a large annual event in Moab, Utah and offers other backcounty tours in Southern Utah.
The “Blue Monkey” embodies the spirit of Adventure Trekkers and the MMBA. These people have demonstrated a lust for life and a desire to go beyond the artificial barriers placed before them. The people on the list below are unique and fascinating people who have learned that life is theirs for the taking. Each year we honor all “Blue Monkey’s” by selecting from our guests the next person who demonstrates their ability to write their own life story. It might surprise you to know what we believe qualifies you to become a “Blue Monkey”. This is not about testosterone or physical fitness our biking prowess.
Go to the BLUE MONKEY page to see who has earned this coveted award.
This is about YOU Living YOUR LIFE !

Adventure Trekkers is an adventure tour company that hosts a large annual event in Moab, Utah and offers other backcounty tours in Southern Utah.

What We Do
Adventure Trekkers provides you, our friends and friends of friends, a way to join in planning and organizing affordable mountain biking, hiking and canyoneering adventures. By choosing a trip and promoting it to your friends and our network it will be up to you to guarantee your adventure.